We always have the same conversation Xabi (my partner in life) and I about what would be the perfect job to get money, time for the family and time for surf and other sports. Xabi cannot conceive that his prefered wave (Meñakoz or Mundaka) suddenly has great waves forecast and he is stuck in an office. So for him the perfect job has no office hours, and among his really much into surfing friends most have what I personally call "crap jobs": night shifts handling the luggage at the airport, night shift bartender, week end shifts cleaning a supermarket, and so on...
On my side, I studied until master grade and have an enjoyable career which makes me want that my job be interesting. I happen to work in the sport industry, and Xabi often teases me that we who work for that industry are kind of "lyers" because if we were so much sports addict we would hace jobs that leave us more time for sports. I remember a previous boss who would talk about the "weekend warriors" and I guess this is what the office people who are into outdoor sports are: planning their week end from the office and fully into it from Friday afternoon on....
Having kids forces you even more to get into the office hours schedule, since you need free time out of shool time and during the week ends and holidays time... It is frustrating sometimes as you miss those days when you had all your free time for yourself, but of course family times are great moments too!
Family outing in Bakio last summer, first time for Emma on a surfbboard!
Hello 30 +2! I suspect your name comes from you age + 2 kids???
ResponderEliminarWelcome to the blogger world! I am very happy to see another surfing mom's blog, specially a french mom (because I am french too!). However I don't see any icon on your blog which allows to follow it... You probably have to add the gadget that says "followers". Otherwise I'll subscribe by email :)
Hi Surfmama! Great to "meet" you!
EliminarYou're right about the name :-)
Thanks a lot for the tip, I added the follower gadget, if you do not see it please let me know. I have lots to learn about the blogging thing still.